Haiti: Mainstream Media Reduces Protests Against Dictatorship and Occupation to Mere Protest About Gas Prices

‘Folks, most of the mainstream news on Haiti protestors is deliberately reducing the Haiti protests against dictatorship and occupation to a mere protest about high gas prices.

At the same time, they’re ignoring the popular movement’s refusal to accept any agreement cooked-up by the illegitimate Michel Martelly and his Washington handlers (“Core Group”) to unconstitutionally rule by decree with the complicity of US-bought, so-called political parties who do not represent Haiti masses but foreign interests.

The media is reporting that Martelly reached in agreement to form a new government to hold elections. They fail to report with context or to emphasize that all who deal with Martelly are rejected by the masses on the streets. The true representatives of Haiti are the voices that speak for the masses and for local Haiti interests, not the US-bought so-called political parties with no constituency, sell-out ex-Parliamentarians or Washington’s greedy Haiti opportunists.’

Read more: Haiti: Mainstream Media Reduces Protests Against Dictatorship and Occupation to Mere Protest About Gas Prices

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