Human Creativity: The Fight That Can Change ‘The Inevitable’

The United States and Europe, still refusing the offers of credit, investment, and scientific cooperation from China and the BRICS-allied nations, are in a grave dual crisis. They face a war confrontation with Russia — which, all sane citizens recognize, means a thermonuclear war of destruction awaits. And they face the increasing threat of a financial blowout of exploding Wall Street derivatives bubbles, triggered by the collapse of the euro, the oil debt bubble, or both at once.

Any financial columnist or bank analyst will tell you now: It’s “inevitable” that either the new Greek government capitulates to more austerity and effectively murders its own citizens; or it is forced out of the euro, its exit triggering, they say, a currency breakup and financial chaos.

What they don’t accept, is the possibility that Greece could, instead, change the entirety of economically collapsed Europe! In recent days, some of the largest demonstrations in years in Europe have backed up exactly this “impossibility.” Backed by the mass effects of broad anti-Wall Street, anti-austerity movements in a number of countries, Greece could win, and shift all of Europe towards shedding its immense, dead debts and creating new credit for development — EVEN, joining with the new international development banks of the BRICS-allied nations to do this.

This is our objective, and we, LaRouchePAC and EIR, are in the center of this possibility, and putting everything we have into it.

Geopoliticians of all stripes pronounce it “inevitable” that either Vladimir Putin capitulates to ongoing intense financial/economic attacks on Russia, or the “Ukraine” escalation goes on, toward the looming threat of world war with nuclear forces on a hair-trigger.

But none of them anticipated that two European leaders would suddenly launch a last-minute diplomatic initiative at the highest level, which has so far survived the Obama-British desire to kill it.

Nor do they have any idea what will follow this. That depends on human creativity in a crisis. A month ago, because of the huge international impact, on the day of the Paris attacks, of a press conference in Washington exposing the Saudi/British role in the 9/11 attacks, a revived French national unity began to appear. That national unity has now spilled over into a determination to stop Obama and the British from triggering a war with Russia. Such a determination changes the possibilities of “mere diplomacy” in the face of oligarchies set on war.

But more is required for peace — actions to neutralize “Nuland’s Nazis,” the extreme right-wing and fascist forces who dominated the “Maidan coup” in Kiev just a year ago. Is this “impossible”?

At a time of deep crisis like this one, this comes down to a characteristic of completely “unpredictable” human creativity, capable of changing the inevitable, if backed up by fight.

This truth was expressed in a brief but powerful discussion by EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche discussion — addressed to exactly these dual crises — on Feb. 8. LaRouche had first opened this up, more deeply, on Feb. 3. That discussion, which should be read, or better, listened to by anyone who wants to change the world for the good, can be read and listened to here.

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