If You are Slaves of London and Wall Street, You Will Have Global War

If the sudden mission to Moscow of Chancellor Merkel and President Hollande, and their five-hour meeting with President Putin, has failed this weekend — which is not certain, but the likely outcome — it will have failed on the edge of all-out war; Hollande said as much afterwards.

These European leaders certainly broke with Obama over arming the Kiev regime to fight Russia. But they remain locked in the disastrous British bankers’ concoction of the euro and Eurozone with its world-fascist treaties and rules for economic destruction. And it is this which ultimately drove the war confrontation with Russia and the BRICS.

Ask Russia to accept Hitler’s own Nazis dominant in Kiev and 30,000 NATO troops deploying along Russia’s borders in half a dozen countries? As Lyndon LaRouche insisted Friday, to clarify the real circumstances, “Get rid of Nuland’s Nazis! Otherwise you have no chance to avoid war.”

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in a strategic assessment Feb. 6, strongly criticized Merkel: While trying to cool out the London/Obama war policy, she and her Finance Minister Schäuble demand rigid observance by Greece of the “principles and treaties” of the euro and ECB which are the ruinous problem for all of the European Union and will likely break it up. Helga reminds European readers that she warned in February 2008 the Lisbon Treaty would be a second Versailles Treaty, and like the first, contain the seeds of war and fascism.

The euro was the London financial imperialists’ prison for Europe — Margaret Thatcher’s and George H.W. Bush’s “British West Europe Company” — and it is London which is now out to make war on the BRICS for daring to grow economically and productively. Their puppet Obama clearly has alienated and frightened the European “allies” at this dangerous moment, but they are remaining slaves of London’s economic prison.

The new Greek government, however, will not agree to continue the self-destruction of their nation, and they have the expressed backing now of the great majority of Greeks and of expanding anti-austerity movements in other countries. Prime Minister Tsipras will formally announce his policy to Parliament today. Although EC blackmail threats are flying, Greece continues to go for debt renegotiation and investment in the real economy of Greece.

We have the workable solution, as LaRouche says, to kill the dead debt and derivatives bubble, crush Wall Street’s and London’s power while substituting new institutions of productive credit and linking up with those of the BRICS-allied countries.

And we have the uniquely powerful weapon against terrorism and war which we have created, the “28 pages” fight over the Saudi and British “Londonistan” responsibility for terrorism. The fight to declassify these documents is now reported, debated everywhere in the world, all the time. LaRouche stressed on Friday that that is not enough: Obama must be bludgeoned with it to force the actual release of the classified documents. He is covering the British and Saudi crimes of terror and war, and abetting them. He has to be defeated on that, and forced out.

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