LaRouche: Bankrupt Wall Street and Join the BRICS in Creating a New Global Credit System

Over the weekend, one outlet for British Imperial policy after another issued hysterical warnings about the global strategic implications of the Greek crisis. The CFR’s Ian Bremmer warned that Greece could well leave the Eurozone and NATO, and instead join the SCO, Russia and China in alternate economic and strategic arrangements – de facto joining the BRICS, although Bremmer doesn’t dare call it that. Daily Telegraph columnist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard warned that the EU chicken game with Greece could totally backfire, leading to “unknown tremors [which] might hit the global payments system. They are playing with fire.” And even the usually sensible Liam Halligan exploded that the new Syriza government in Greece “could take direct control of Greek lenders and write off billions of euros in household loans, destroying bank balance sheets in a frenzy of populist contractual vandalism.”

“But that is sensible; it is exactly what they should do,” Lyndon LaRouche commented today. They should just get rid of these phony debts which don’t exist anyway, LaRouche added. Not just Greece, but all of Europe and the entire trans-Atlantic sector has had debt shoved down their throats which is phony. The entire system is dead, LaRouche stated, in the U.S. as elsewhere, and it simply has to be replaced. Wall Street is dead, so write them off. The entire speculative system centered in the British Empire is dead, and trying to postpone that death won’t work anymore. Efforts to do that, will only lead to war, LaRouche added.

So we have to write off the speculative debt, which has no substance whatsoever, and is only speculation on a future which has already died, LaRouche stated. In its place, we have to create a new credit system under which we can operate, once the old system has been written off. That new system will give fresh authority for the generation of productive credit, as such principles were established by Alexander Hamilton, credit which will be used to generate productive employment.

No other conversation on these matters is worth it, LaRouche concluded. Wall Street, the British banks, and the European system are all dead. So get rid of them. It’s that simple.

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