LaRouche: “Their Arrogance Will Lead to Their Demise”

With suicidal mania, the British Empire is going for broke, both with its military confrontation policy against Russia and China, and with its insistence on the genocidal austerity policy epitomized by the Troika rape of Greece. Should these policies prevail, they will bring mankind to extinction, most likely through thermonuclear war.

Yesterday saw two dramatic developments in these areas.

First, you had the across-the-board hardline by the EU institutions against Greece, demanding they pay their debts no matter how many people it kills. But they were in effect turning their weapon on themselves. “Their arrogance will lead to their demise,” commented Lyndon LaRouche.

And indeed, the response in Greece shows how this will be the case. There as an immediate explosion of the population, with more than 100,000 people hitting the streets, to insist that they will not kowtow to the austerity, and submit to blackmail. This is a ferment that will spread throughout Europe–as we have already seen in Ireland and Spain.

The European institutions have no credibility, LaRouche said. They are on thin ice. France cannot accept going along with these policies, with everything going in Spain, and the Swiss having already decoupled from the Euro. The European economy will collapse–there is no way they can win.

The second dramatic development was the announcement of the previously unscheduled visit of Hollande and Merkel to Kiev, and then Russia. There is widespread recognition, even in the German media, that the situation is beyond alarming, and that U.S. armament of the Ukrainians could lead to a major war in Europe. The only thing that keeps this policy going is pressure from the British and the U.S., LaRouche commented. Thus, “we are at the verge of World War III.”

Thus, too, the need for decisive moves to undermine and destroy the Empire’s chief tool, Obama.

In this context, the breakthrough to prominence of the issue of the classified 28 pages of the 9/11 report takes on strategic importance. Thanks to the untiring efforts of a small group of Congressmen, the families of the 9/11 victims, and the LaRouche movement, the Saudi Arabian role in the 9/11 atrocity on Feb. 5 was THE LEAD STORY of the major newspaper in the United States, The New York Times. The protection racket which has been run for the British Empire’s satanic helpers in Saudi Arabia–by the Bushes, Obama, and the whole slew of their slimy collaborators–has been broken.

A similar process is overripe to happen in the crucial global strategic and economic arenas.

The fact is, the British Empire, and its stooge Obama, are acting from weakness. They cannot win a military confrontation with Russia–although everyone could lose.

Economically, the same reality applies. The institutions of the trans-Atlantic financial system are bankrupt, and increasingly challenged by the growing power of an alternative international system, that of the BRICS. The “hard line” of the ECB, the IMF, and others won’t save them.

In fact, it is backfiring, threatening to accelerate the motion within Europe–and eventually the U.S.–toward a new sane economic order, which begins with Glass-Steagall, and a European-wide bankruptcy reorganization.

It is the adoption of that policy–epitomized in the New Silk Road and World Land-Bridge policies of the BRICS–which will actually finish off the Empire, and eliminate the threat of war. We’ve given the chief enemy of humanity a black eye on the 28 pages. What’s needed is to drive a stake through the heart of the Devil, the British Empire, with the economic policies of survival.

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