LaRouche: What We Must Do!

As developed by Helga Zepp-LaRouche on Sunday, the situation in the world is coming down to the wire as we head into a short-term countdown, in which a solution must be found to avoid thermonuclear extinction.

The meeting held in Moscow among Putin, Merkel, and Hollande at the end of last week on the Ukraine crisis, was followed on Sunday by a telephone conference call among Merkel, Hollande, Putin, and Poroshenko. After that conference call, it was announced that a conference on Ukraine in the Normandy format may occur on Wednesday in Minsk. Merkel is scheduled to arrive in Washington, D.C., for a meeting with Obama in the White House on Monday.

To underscore what the stakes are, Der Spiegel online ran an article on Sunday entitled, “NATO-Russia Crisis; The nuclear spectre returns.” The article reports that the Ukraine crisis has thrown NATO and Russia back into the Cold War. Collaboration on nuclear security has ceased; a “red telephone” (hot line) no longer exists. The article reports that in 1995, at the time of the Norwegian rocket incident, a decision to launch a counterstrike against a suspected first strike had to be made in less than 10 minutes, and that now the time available is less. Asked what would happen today if what occurred in 1995 were to occur again, former Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said: “I am not sure if the correct decision would still be made…. Today the danger of war is greater.”

Meanwhile, in Greece, newly elected Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, despite massive pressure from the Troika to capitulate, vowed in a speech to the Greek Parliament on Sunday, to reverse the austerity program imposed on Greece by the Troika as a condition for a bailout. Tsipras stated: “The bailout failed. We want to make clear in every direction what we are not negotiating. We are not negotiating our national sovereignty.”

Tsipras ruled out extending the bailout beyond Feb. 28 when it is due to end. “The new government is not justified in asking for an extension…Because it cannot ask for an extension of mistakes.”

In an interview with Italian state TV network RAI, Greek Finance Minister Janis Varoufakis warned that if Greece is forced out of the eurozone, other countries will inevitably follow and the currency bloc will collapse.
“The euro is fragile; it’s like building a castle of cards; if you take out the Greek card, the others will collapse. Greece’s debt problems must be solved as part of a rejection of austerity policies for the eurozone as a whole,” he said, adding that his government would propose a New Deal for Europe, like U.S. President Roosevelt had done in the 1930s. This would involve the European Investment Bank investing ten times as much as it has so far, he said, according to the London Independent.

In this context, Lyndon LaRouche reemphasized on Sunday what he had stressed to his associates on Tuesday, February 3, as the basis for approaching the trip-wire situation described above.

Something may seem inevitable, but in fact it is not. It only appears to be, based on the stupidity of nations. The false assumption made is that we can learn the future from the present or the past.

This is the error. The future is not determined by the past or the present. Such a false assumption represents ignorance of the actual character and destiny of man as distinct from an animal.

In periods of the most intense conflict, the future lies at a higher level. The future lies in things never known before, in things which have never happened before. You have to go to a higher level rarely considered in popular opinion.

The future is never predicted by the past. That is the law! It is little recognized.

The present, including the present situation, is not inevitable. However, this is a lesson not learned. It is not the general persuasion, not the general wisdom.

Our job is to inspire people to recognize this lesson. Only then will they recognize the solution, recognize what the alternative to evil is.

This conception may be virtually unknown. But the failure to learn this lesson now, would mean human destruction with finality.

Mankind is the only creature capable of creating the future. No other solution exists. This is the lesson taught by Nicolaus of Cusa. It is the method of Johannes Kepler.

The mission of man, who is imago viva dei as understood by Nicolaus of Cusa, is to understand and exert dominion over the solar system as understood by Kepler.

To be truly human, we must expose the falseness of those assumptions which would otherwise lead man to his self- destruction. Wall Street can and must be crushed. Obama can and must be removed from office. The danger of thermonuclear human extinction under Obama can and must be prevented. We can make decisions to bring the United States and Europe into a universal concordance with the vast mass of humanity now assembled in BRICS nations.

We have the means to create the solution.

That is what we must do!

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