LaRouche’s Warning of War Danger Echoed in Russia

The Russian media has clearly picked up on Lyndon and Helga LaRouche’s warnings about the danger of thermonuclear war, coming from the collapse of the British imperial system. In addition to the TASS interview with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, conducted in Copenhagen last week and circulated among TASS subscribers, the Russian website InoSMI, which translates critical articles from the world media, for the first time published an editorial from the LaRouchePAC website. The editorial from Jan. 20 was headlined “Warnings of US War Versus Russia.”

In addition to direct LaRouche coverage, the Russian media has been regularly publishing interviews with Academician Sergei Glazyev, adviser to President Putin on Eurasian integration, who has picked up on the same theme of the links between the imminent threat of global showdown and the disintegration of the Western financial system. While Glazyev characterizes the war danger as coming from the United States primarily (ignoring the crucial British imperial factor), his essential point about the breakdown of the Western empire system and the drive for war is very much to the point.

In one February 3rd interview, translated on the website, Glazyev linked the war drive to “the upcoming collapse of America-central financial system in crisis,” warning

“Launching a world war is necesary for the Americans in order to preserve their hegemony in the world through strengthening control over Europe by imposing the Trans-Atlantic free trade agreement; establishing control over Russia and Middle East, thus expanding their competitive advantage in the battle for leadership with the Asian countries.”

Glazyev noted that

“This war is doomed for defeat. Although Japan remains an occupied country, despite all the obstacles that Americans are trying to create in the Japanese-Chinese relationship, very quickly the Japanese capital is merging with the Chinese production system.

“And we have to understand that these convulsions, that we see in Washington, from the point of view of global development, will not allow the Americans to hold on to leadership, but present a great danger for us, because they are starting a war in Europe against us. We are the main victim of this war today, and there is no reason to believe that it will stop in the next few years.”

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