LEAFLET: Americans Must Wake Up: We are Closer to World War Than in 1962!

Gen. Douglas MacArthur told the U.S. Congress in 1951 that a third world war would mean human extinction, and that the solution to preventing such war “must be of the spirit, if we are to save the flesh.”

America and Europe have powerful options available to them, offered by the BRICS-allied nations, to avoid world war, through mutual economic and scientific progress, a change “of the spirit.”

But we are taking the opposite path.

The United States, from years under British prodding of overthrowing governments oriented to Russia or China, of forcing NATO closer and closer to Russia’s borders and trying to surround and contain China, now faces the imminent threat of a world war exploding out of the Ukraine crisis.

Two of the leading newspapers of Europe in succession have warned that we face nuclear war: First, Germany’s Der Spiegel on Feb. 9 reported the fears of former U.S. Senator Sam Nunn, former Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov, former British Defense Secretary Des Browne that human survival is on thinner ice than during the Cold War, and now there is no “red telephone.” Then London’s Telegraph on Feb. 15 warned of the large number of political figures in Russia who think that nuclear war with the United States now cannot be avoided.

The threat is very real that as war with NATO comes ever closer to Russia, and NATO ballistic missile defenses erode its own deterrent, Russia may decide to pre-empt with thermonuclear weapons. Leading Russian figures have recently warned as much, repeatedly.

Any American leader who calls Russia “just a regional power,” as Barack Obama does, is acting insane.

And the German press revealed Feb. 15 that Obama’s Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland denounced European efforts to negotiate a Ukraine ceasefire as “Moscow bulls–t,” and told American diplomats and Senators to “fight the Europeans” in order to continue the war and give Ukraine heavy arms.

Yet the vast majority of Americans simply look away from what is manifest to informed leaders across all of Eurasia: That humanity with all its incredible potentials, may be close to total destruction. Political figures here who warn of the thermonuclear war crisis are relegated to their own blogs or little-known websites, and Americans try to ignore them.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche has worked for 30 years to design and promote the economic development option of great projects of infrastructure, now adopted by China and the BRICS countries as “the new Silk Road,” and open to the United States.

But she warned today that the American population must rid itself of its sleepwalking illusions: We are closer to thermonuclear war than in the 1962 Cuban Missiles Crisis—but there is no discussion, no debate, no mobilization of human beings to stop it!

Americans are making the suicidal mistake of simply not discussing the threat to the nation’s, and their individual, existence. And thus not acting to seize the alternative.

On Feb. 14, Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche addressed the Schiller Institute conference in New York City with the fullest possible description of this crisis, and what alternatives can be taken, fast, to end it.

As of today, Feb. 17, this crisis has become so severe that a passionate mobilization of all activists, against the threat of thermonuclear war, has to go beyond the “sleepwalking” efforts thus far. Forcing the firing of the Nazi-loving war-hawk Nuland would be an immediate turning point away from war. Breaking up Wall Street’s biggest banks would remove the most powerful impetus for war—the bankruptcy of the trans-Atlantic system. Irrational fears have to be replaced by rational fear, which strives with all its strength for the saving alternative of human progress and peace.

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