LEAFLET: Wall Street Is Bankrupt, Not Greece

The LaRouche Political Action Committee, led by American statesman Lyndon LaRouche, the world’s leading economist in the tradition of the great founder of the American System of Physical Economy, Alexander Hamilton, says that Greece is right, and that Wall Street is wrong. Wall Street, not Greece, is bankrupt; Wall Street, not Greece, is criminally liable; Wall Street, not the Greek people, must suffer the consequences.

An immediate return to Glass-Steagall in the United States, and an “international Glass Steagall” measure now being advocated by patriots in many nations for themselves, may be the only way to prevent the criminals of Wall Street and the City of London from plunging the world into war, including thermonuclear war.

After all, it was the German banker, Hjalmar Schacht, working with Montague Norman of the Bank of England, and Prescott Bush of Wall Street, that put Adolf Hitler into power. World War II was the result. The United States’ mad support of the Nazi regime in Ukraine today, led by Dick Cheney and Barack Obama’s “Cookie Monster,” the State Department’s Victoria Nuland, is itself enough to trigger World War III.

Nearly two quadrillion dollars—that’s two thousand trillion—is “owed” according to Wall Street accounting methods. That debt is physically unpayable. Did the United States population run up that debt? Did Greece? Did Argentina? No! The people of these countries had almost nothing to do with that debt.

New Yorkers always know a hustle when they see one. So, how did this hustle work? As with Greece, the people of the United States have been placed on the hook for the fraudulent increase in national debt, undertaken in such policies as quantitative easing (QE), to bail out gambling bankers, including European bankers.

The September 2008 “bail out” that was railroaded through Congress, including by then-Senator Barack Obama, largely went to European banks, not to “save grandma’s house!”

You were hustled, swindled, bamboozled; even today many Americans say, “Wall Street is my friend.” But Greece knows better, and so should you. The criminal “off-shore” and “derivatives” gambling done by the banks has now been placed on the back of you and people like you all over the world. Don’t pay it, because you don’t owe it!!

That’s only the first step.

Next, we return to the United States Constitution—Alexander Hamilton’s Constitution—and, using the sovereign powers of the United States, issue credit for real physical production and internal improvements in the real economy. The gambling debt, and the bankers that issued it, are trash. This step will be welcomed by Russia, China, and all that want to see the United States return to what it used to do best—produce real manufactures, real food, and real wealth.

Simultaneously, we must join the new alliance, called the BRICS nations, consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and others.

Joint projects with these nations, starting with the most advanced space technologies of the United States, Russia, China and India, define a “platform for peace.” Why?

As President John F. Kennedy demonstrated, space programs provide the most efficient peace-time crash program context for rapid breakthroughs in many fields, such as applied engineering technology. A “World Land-Bridge” consisting of development corridors defined by rail, water, and power projects world-wide has been developed by Lyndon LaRouche over twenty-five years. This perspective has largely been adopted by the BRICS nations, and this American-born Hamiltonian policy should now be adopted in the United States as well.

Finally, we must reassert the difference between human beings, and animals—the capacity to willfully shape the future by changing our doomed behavior. Predatory banking practices are not human. Jailing predatory bankers is the fastest way to jolt the realization of the distinction between people and animals clearly back into the American conscience.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s 1933 Glass-Steagall separation of criminal speculators from the savings and legitimate economic activity of honest Americans, which was law in the United States until 1999, would have jailed nearly everyone working today at high levels on Wall Street. That’s why it got repealed!

In his Inaugural Address of March 4, 1933, President Roosevelt said:

“Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men . . . The money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization. We may now restore that temple to the ancient truths. The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply social values more noble than mere monetary profit.”

That’s the way that Alexander Hamilton thought. That’s the way free men and women think. That’s the way Greeks are thinking. Is that the way you think, or do you believe you are just a beast of debt-burden? Are you an American citizen, or a City of London/Wall Street subject?

“Once to every man and nation, comes a moment to decide . . .”

Whether the human race survives, now, or is plunged into a thermonuclear war by criminally insane bankers, could be determined by whether you choose to be a citizen, or a debt-slave.

Invoke the RICO Act (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) statutes against Wall Street criminals! Re-instate Glass-Steagall! Crush Wall Street, not Greece!

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