London and Its Neo-Nazis Are Pushing Hard for World War

Despite the fact that the ceasefire, negotiated between Putin, Poroshenko, Merkel, and Hollande, is moving forward in eastern Ukraine, there is a concerted drive, spearheaded from London, to provoke a general war with Russia, in the immediate days ahead. Victoria Nuland’s house pet, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk was on Fox TV on Sunday, peddling the lie that there is no ceasefire and Russia is engaged in a full invasion of eastern Ukraine. These words echoed statements over the weekend by an ever more hysterical British government, claiming that Putin is on the verge of conquering the Baltic states, and that new draconian sanctions must be imposed on Moscow. Obama, while feeling pressure from France and other European allies to withhold arms from the Ukrainian military, is also threatening heavy new sanctions—the economic equivalent of all-out war.

LaRouchePAC rally in New York City at Columbus Circle on February 21, 2015.

What should be increasingly clear, is that this London-directed war drive is itself driven by the panic in the City and on Wall Street, over the hopeless bankruptcy of the entire trans-Atlantic British empire financial system. Greece is the detonator, and the decision on Friday by Eurozone finance ministers, to extend the current bailout deal, for another four months, is simply based on the fact that no one is prepared to pull the trigger on the entire trans-Atlantic financial system. Liam Halligan, writing in the Sunday Telegraph, warned that the Euro experiment is dead, and the only way out is to organize an orderly Greek exit from the Euro, as the first step in a return to separate and sovereign currencies for all of Europe.

Lyndon LaRouche emphasized on Sunday that such a move must begin with the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall in the United States and throughout Europe. Only a return to a Hamiltonian credit system can avert world war and launch a new Renaissance.

Significant circles in Washington are worried that we are in the kind of period in which the oligarchy, in its desperation to hang on to a dead system, will resort to high-level political assassinations to get their way. The obvious list of BRICS and allied heads of state is of paramount concern. These circles warn that Obama and his CIA Director John Brennan could easily be on the side of the assassins. What is driving London doubly insane, is the rise of the BRICS as the seed of a new, just world financial order—free from the power of oligarchy.

SEE “Why The US Must Join BRICS”

According to news reports, Right Sector killer Andriy Parubiy is heading to Washington this week to make a pitch for lethal aid to Ukraine. Hollande and even Merkel concluded days ago that a U.S. arms shipment to Ukraine can be the trigger for general war, and this informed their concerted efforts, along with Putin, to reach a deal in Minsk on Feb. 12. The now publicly acknowledged neo-Nazis—like Parubiy—are the key tools of London in the current war drive, and they, along with their troop leader Victoria Nuland, need to be bounced from any power if the war is to be prevented. Obama needs to be either removed from office or rendered so powerless that he can no longer carry out London and Wall Street’s orders.

We have some important flanks in this fight. HSBC, the Crown Jewel of the British Dope, Inc. apparatus, is going down, and this is the fruit of a long-running effort, dating back to the original, late 1978 publication of the book Dope, Inc., that exposed the role of HSBC—then the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Company—as the central clearinghouse bank for the world’s opium trade. Since 1865, Hong Shang has been in the dope business—as the exclusive agents of the British Crown—and nothing has changed in that arrangement right up to the present moment. It is that Dope, Inc. apparatus that Obama, Holder, and Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch are adamantly protecting. That, alone, represents sufficient cause to remove Obama from office—this week.



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