Millions of Americans Will Fight for Their Gun Rights

Washington, DC—In the seat of American political power, gun rights have been unlawfully compromised away by our politicians for more than four decades.

The anti-gun rights attacks have almost exclusively come from the far political Left.  I see dark and nefarious motives here since the political Left detests self-reliance, liberty and freedom except for of course, abortion.

The Left insists the Constitution needs to change with the political wind without that difficult amendment process.  The idea of the founding fathers had was to prevent our Capitalist form of government from being hijacked by those who would corrupt and destroy the system with a simple majority.

Frankly, many of our Presidents, Representatives and Senators are or have been Socialists, Communists and of course criminals. Unfortunately most politicians have the desire to control, exploit and loot the property of others programed into their DNA.

Don’t let all those broad similes and firm handshakes fool you.  They carefully craft their images to that of offering benevolence to their constituents, but they are in this for themselves.  They all enter office as middle-class people and manage to leave or retire as multi-millionaires.

Politicians hate running for reelection and they have conspired at every opportunity to rig the political process.  They invented extensive and complicated gerrymandering and campaign finance schemes they sold voters as necessary for “fair” elections.  Their only goal has been incumbent protection at all cost.

Governments work better for the citizens when politicians are fighting among themselves.  When they all get along the red flag of corruption is waiving.

Look out when a Conservative suddenly votes for excessive taxation or compromises our freedom away.  That is a sure sign that bribery or extortion is involved.

Too many of our politicians would end elections in a flash if they had the power to do that.  They are afraid of the voters especially when they push extortionate taxation, over-regulation or curb our freedom. They all fear revolution as a reality.

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms:

There has never been a despotic dictator in world history that did not order draconian weapon laws or ordered weapon confiscation.   Our founding fathers understood this and the necessity for an armed well-regulated population to fight tyranny.

Our politicians created our formal police agencies during the mid-nineteenth century.  Unfortunately the cops were not there to protect anything but the corrupt politicians, their business operations and wealth.

Police officers were strictly hired on the patronage system and were too often used exclusively to victimize their sponsor’s political opposition.   Cops became the bagmen for politicians, extorting from businesses legal and otherwise.

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