Minority office report: Warning over software now being used by bosses that predicts if you’re going to steal from the firm, have a nervous breakdown and even have an office affair

‘It sounds like something straight from a science-fiction film – but technology firms in Japan are using software to predict whether a rogue employee could steal from the company or even have an office affair.

Fulfilling the dreams of bosses everywhere, high-tech firms are developing mass surveillance apps to spy on employees and even predict what they might say or do both inside and outside of the workplace.

The public may be used to the state harnessing the tools of the Information Age to scrutinise everything we do, but now not just Big Brother is interested in us, Big Business is keen to spy on us too – and especially in the workplace, warn experts.’

Read more: Minority office report: Warning over software now being used by bosses that predicts if you're going to steal from the firm, have a nervous breakdown and even have an office affair

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