Moscow Would Not Remain Indifferent to Provocative Actions Such as Arming Kiev

The foreign ministers of the Normany Four — France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine — met in Paris yesterday, and the French Foreign Ministry issued the communique, calling for strict implementation of all provisions of the Minsk agreements, earliest possible withdrawal of heavy weapons, access of OSCE monitors to all areas, Ukrainian working groups to achieve progress, among other things, on the political process in Ukraine, and unhindered humanitarian access.

“Lastly, we confirm that France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine remain determined to continue taking action in this format and to do their utmost to ensure that the commitments are upheld and the crisis is resolved.”

Once outside the meeting, the French and German Foreign Ministers warned of the impact of ceasefire violations near Mariupol, without, however, mentioning the possibility that those violations were committed by Nazi-linked militias from Kiev, as has been reported.

In follow-up comments in Moscow today, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said:

“A lot now depends on an honest, objective, unbiased approach by the observers who must record what is happening on the ground, so that we can all resist the attempts to present the Minsk agreements as having already failed. There are many people outside Ukraine and in Kiev who want them derailed.”

Tass reported that he also said that all other provisions of the Minsk agreement must also be complied with, not just the withdrawal of heavy weapons.

“This applies to the political process and the constitutional reform, with decentralization being its main thrust.”

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov warned yesterday that the whole process would blow up if the US started supplying weapons to Kiev. He said:

“It would be a major blow to the Minsk agreements and would explode the whole situation.”

Moscow would not be able to remain indifferent “to such provocative actions,” he added.

“We’ll have to respond appropriately. Is that necessary for those who are allegedly calling for the normalization of the situation in Ukraine? I have serious doubts. People may be irresponsible in their actions, but there must be an end to this madness [of] indulging Kiev’s warmongering.”

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