Moussaoui Says Saudis Funded al-Qaeda, Says Nothing About U.S. Role in Creating Terror Group

‘Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called 20th September 11 hijacker, has fingered members of Saudi Arabia’s royal family as major al-Qaeda donors.

The New York Times reports the Saudis deny the accusation and dismiss Moussaoui as mentally deranged. They say the allegation was rejected by the 9/11 commission. Moussaoui made similar claims in November.

Despite the Saudi denial, there is plenty of evidence Saudi Arabia, the United States, and Pakistan organized, funded and trained the so-called “Afghan Arabs” that would ultimately become al-Qaeda and the Taliban. A number of high level U.S. officials have admitted as much.’

Read more: Moussaoui Says Saudis Funded al-Qaeda, Says Nothing About U.S. Role in Creating Terror Group

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