Never mind healthy vegetables – can a diet full of FAT combat cancer?

‘‘I was told radiotherapy might prolong my life by several years, but only half of patients who develop the aggressive type of tumour are alive a year later.’

Conventional treatment for brain cancer involves surgery, if possible, and chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, as well as epilepsy drugs for the seizures — these occur because the tumour presses on surrounding brain cells.

Zoe is taking epilepsy drugs, but she believes their effect has been boosted dramatically by following a diet approved to treat children with epilepsy.

Known as the ketogenic diet, it is being used experimentally to help a few adult brain cancer patients control their seizures.’

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Stunning: Saturated Fat and the European Paradox

‘Have you heard about the French Paradox? French people traditionally eat a lot of saturated fat, like butter – yet they generally have less heart disease than other populations. A lot of brainpower has been wasted to explain this – do perhaps the red wine protect them?

It’s not a paradox.

Of course, modern science quite clearly shows no connection between saturated fat and heart disease. That’s no secret anymore. But now it gets even more interesting:’

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