New Transparency International UK report lays bare the scandal of lobbyists

‘Lobbyists can take advantage of nearly 40 loopholes that can “open the door to corrupt activity” in British political institutions, according to a report by Transparency International UK (TI UK) today.

Published to coincide with the fifth anniversary of David Cameron’s warning that “lobbying is the next big scandal waiting to happen”, TI UK said British citizens still “have little opportunity to understand who is lobbying whom, for what purpose and with what funds”. Britain has the world’s third biggest lobbying industry, worth an estimated £2bn.

A watered-down Lobbying Bill became law last year, but critics complained this defines only 1 per cent of lobbyists and lacks clarity over what “direct contact” with a minister or permanent secretary really means.’

Read more: New Transparency International UK report lays bare the scandal of lobbyists

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