Nineteen Eighty-Four: Sweden’s Ministry of Truth to ‘Gender-Adjust’ History Books

‘As the Swedish school system continues its steep Kamikaze-dive into the bedrock, the new education minister Gustav Fridolin made a solemn vow to the voters that if elected, he would fix the Swedish schools in his first 100 days in office.

Those 100 days are now passed, and he failed miserably.

But he doesn’t want to talk about that, because now he believes that he has found the key issue that is to blame for all of Sweden’s educational problems: There are not enough female historical figures in the school books! Yes! It is the endless parade of kings, male inventors and social leaders that are corrupting the poor childrens’ brains and making them drop like rocks in the annual PISA rankings!’

Read more: Nineteen Eighty-Four: Sweden’s Ministry of Truth to 'Gender-Adjust' History Books

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