Obama, Nuland and Parubiy Push Eurasian War

Euromaidan fascist commander Andriy Parubiy, now the deputy speaker of the Ukraine Supreme Rada, made the rounds in Washington this week, meeting with Victoria Nuland, John McCain, and John Boehner, and pressing for the US to provide weapons to the Kiev regime. The push for weapons by hardcore Ukrainian Banderists (Parubiy was a co-founder in 1991 of the Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine)  to fight Russia, is the immediate flash-point for strategic confrontation in the heart of Eurasia. Parubiy was joined in Washington on Thursday by former Georgian President Saakashvili, who is a strategic advisor to the Poroshenko/Yatsenyuk government in Kiev. The full court press for war with Russia is on!

Lyndon LaRouche warned on Thursday that the actions of Obama, Nuland, Parubiy, and others represent the potential trigger for the outbreak of a war that can lead to the destruction of mankind.

While, as Lyndon LaRouche has emphasized in dialogue with colleagues over the past 72 hours, even the most fanatical of the British war party are not consciously out to trigger a war of extinction of mankind—a full-throttle global strategic thermonuclear confrontation between the United States and NATO on one side, and Russia and China on the other—they do believe that a “limited” war, even a “limited nuclear war” can be localized in the heartland of Eurasia, targeted at the Russia and China core of the BRICS nations. It is this population of the Eurasian heartland that the British and their Wall Street and Obama Administration allies have targeted for a mass kill.

The drive for such a “limited” nuclear war is moving ahead against both Russia and China. A survey of the past months reveals that there is an intense battle underway, behind the scenes, within the NATO trans-Atlantic system, over the deployment of a new generation of “limited nuclear weapons” in both Europe and in the Asia-Pacific region. Leading critics of the scheme in the US and Germany have raised the roof over the planned modernization of the US arsenal of 180 tactical nuclear weapons in Europe, the B-61. Under the Obama Administration’s nuclear modernization plans, the new generation of B-61 tactical nuclear weapons will be more accurate, with longer range, capable of hitting sites deep inside Russia.

In the Asia-Pacific region, Air Sea Battle, the Obama Administration’s war plan against China, similarly blurs the lines between nuclear and conventional warfare, by claiming the right to launch pre-emptive strikes against Chinese mainland critical security infrastructure.  At the same time, Obama is pressing South Korea to accept the deployment of US missile defense systems, ostensibly against North Korea, that are actually more suited to the ASB targeting of China.

This desperate drive for war, including the utopian delusion about the possibility of “limited” nuclear confrontation in Eurasia, is ultimately driven by the fact that the British system of monetarist looting of nations has reached the end of the line. The Greek elections have accelerated the showdown over the bankruptcy of all of the trans-Atlantic too-big-to-fail banks, the ECB and the entire Eurozone system.  There is only one solution, LaRouche emphasized today:  Return to national sovereignty, end the Euro experiment, through an orderly Glass- Steagall reorganization and return to sovereign currencies.  The gambling debt is both illegal and unpayable.  Greece owes nothing to the Troika.

It is this reality, and the further reality of the BRICS alternative, that is driving the British to the edge, where they are pushing limited thermonuclear confrontation in Eurasia.

That is the danger of allowing the British puppets, Barack Obama, Victoria Nuland, and the rest, to remain in power.  Fire Nuland and move to remove Obama from office and the nuclear danger is gone. Sit back and allow them to continue on their current path, and the war that will come will not be limited to Eurasia.  It will be a global war of annihilation.



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