Obama’s Policy on Ukraine Places the World on a Fast Track to Thermonuclear War

In Monday’s discussion with the LaRouche PAC Policy Committee, Lyndon LaRouche emphasized that the threat of thermonuclear war is upon us, and that it is a result of the Obama administration’s insane British-authored policies. “We’re at a doomsday time right now,” LaRouche said.

“That war can happen early, now — in the short term, this week, next week, in those terms.” LaRouche charged: “Obama is the author of global thermonuclear war!”

The pace of escalation towards war is indeed stunning. Jen Psaki, at the Feb. 2 State Department press briefing, was asked if U.S. providing lethal aid to Ukraine (as is now being actively promoted in Washington) might not lead to a proxy war against Russia. She responded glibly: “I don’t think anybody wants to get into a proxy war with Russia.” Obama’s objective is only “to change the behavior of Russia,” she said.

Also Monday, the Atlantic Council, Brookings, and Chicago Council on Global Affairs issued their much-promoted report which calls for the U.S. to up the ante against Russia by sending lethal aid to the neo-nazi government in Ukraine. It does so from the same delusional standpoint of “behavior modification” stated by Psaki:

“The U.S. and NATO should seek to create a situation in which the Kremlin considers the option of further military action in or against Ukraine too costly to pursue… raising risks and costs to Russia of any renewed major offensive… That requires providing direct military assistance.”

And DIA director Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart Tuesday told the House Armed Services Committee that Ukraine needs additional help, because Russia and China are “the greatest threats to our nation… existential threats.” The Obama administration is now deploying to adopt that dramatic policy shift in short order, including a Feb. 5 trip to Kiev by Secretary of State John Kerry and a Feb. 9 visit to Washington by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who so far continues to state her opposition to arming Kiev.

Lyndon LaRouche commented today that this entire campaign to send lethal weaponry to Kiev is nothing but “a smokescreen for war, for thermonuclear war.” Every informed political force on the planet knows that you cannot win a nuclear war in today’s day and age, LaRouche elaborated. It will only lead to mutual annihilation.

The remedy, he said, is to dump Obama—that is the only way to avoid such a war. Not that Obama is the only instrument that the British have at their disposal; he is not. And if he becomes too much of a liability, they will seek other ways to ram through the same policies. The British have a “team,” LaRouche emphasized, and it would be a mistake to treat a fluid situation like today’s as if it were a one-to-one connection.

We should get rid of Obama in the same way that you should always flush the toilet, LaRouche said. But it’s not the end of the war.

What really frightens the British Empire, he elaborated, is what is happening in Greece, and Cyprus, and is threatening to spread across Europe. Because that puts their entire global financial system in jeopardy.

Amid all of the back-and-forth around Greece, LaRouche said, it’s always important to watch what the hands and feet are doing, and not so much the words that issue forth. Someone has to throw in the alternative, the solution to the crisis, and that is our unique role. What has to be said, is that the entire system is bankrupt, hopelessly bankrupt, so what are you bargaining about? Instead of bargaining within a dead system, LaRouche said, national forces have to come together to dump Wall Street and their British and European counterparts, and then participate jointly in creating a new system which will cause the physical economy of their respective nations to survive and develop. Wall Street and the British Empire are a force of evil on the planet that must be destroyed. If we dump Wall Street, we can survive as people, and ensure that our economies go up, rather than down.

So cancel the system entirely, LaRouche concluded, and join in the construction of a real option for the future, that of a Hamiltonian credit system.

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