Operation Zeus: Showdown

Lyndon LaRouche stated today that the global pattern of British actions indicates that they are acting in a way which can only be attributed to a drive towards early thermonuclear war. The lightning-fast Watergating and resignation of Malcolm Rifkind, the Chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament and a heavyweight of the British Establishment, for his opposition to escalating confrontation with Russia, means that the British are readying for war, LaRouche said. They are getting rid of any and all impediments to that war—that is the conclusion to be drawn from the Rifkind ouster.

That British war drive is also evident in developments around Ukraine and Greece—two strategic confrontations where temporary, uneasy ceasefires currently exist, but where the underlying issues have by no means been settled.

For example, in Ukraine, President Petro Poroshenko is actively shopping for arms to be used in their war against Russia. At the IDEX international arms exhibition in Abu Dhabi, he announced that he had signed a defense deal with the UAE, and that he hoped to do the same shortly with the United States:

“We are in a very practical dialogue, and we hope in the very near future, we [will] have a decision to help us attain defensive weapons,”

he stated. Meanwhile Andriy Parubiy, the commander of the Maidan “self-defense” contingent who is now head of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, is in Washington meeting with Pentagon officials and various senators, to get a commitment to send arms to Ukraine. Parubiy, like his controller Victoria Nuland, of Obama’s State Department, are open advocates of Nazi policies, including confrontation with Russia.

We know what Nuland is up to, LaRouche commented today; and we don’t think it’s human. In fact, Obama and his policy allies on the Republican side, are the single greatest source of danger to the continued existence of the United States itself. That is something that has to be stated explicitly, and widely—from the policy center of the LaRouche movement’s organizing in Manhattan, radiating outward to the rest of the country and the world.

In the case of Greece, the European Union is hell-bent on crushing the Tsipras government’s refusal to implement any more Troika austerity policies on the country, and is demanding that they capitulate or be subjected to financial and economic carpet-bombing, and expelled from the Euro zone.

Why should they stay in the Eurozone?, Lyndon LaRouche shot back today. The Greek government should tell the EU:

If you’re going to screw us, why should we be part of that? There is a limit to what any self-respecting nation will submit to, and we’ve reached that limit. What you are demanding is a fraud—and you know it. The British Empire has been bleeding us for years, and they have no right to do that; it is immoral. We have shown that we want to work with you, we have given you that option; but if we don’t get satisfaction, then we are under no obligation whatsoever to continue with the fraud. We cannot submit.

LaRouche specified that not everyone in Europe is aggressively pursuing the British Empire’s scorched earth policy towards Greece, but there are some particularly active people who must be singled out and stopped. That is the case with German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, and Eurogroup Chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem, as well as Spain’s Finance Minister Luis de Guindos—who was the director of Lehman Brothers in Spain and Portugal from 2006 to the bank’s blazing demise in 2008. And now he presumes to lecture Greece on proper financial policies?!

But Greece has options against these hit-men, LaRouche emphasized. If they crush Greece the way they are planning to, they will sink the whole system. So what Greece has to say, LaRouche continued, is that the conditions being demanded of them are fraudulent. The debt is fraudulent; Greece doesn’t actually owe anything. The numbers that are being concocted are just another case of crooked bankers’ arithmetic—a practice that is so fraudulent, that it even gives a bad name to mathematics!

The point is, LaRouche concluded, that Greece doesn’t owe anything, and yet the British Empire, in their drive for war, are out to drown them, to kill them, and to crush them. It is time for Greece to make their move, and let the banks know that they have nothing coming. They are finished.

In conclusion to a discussion with associates Tuesday night, LaRouche said,

Obama is actually using terrorists, international terrorists, this is where the threat of war’s coming from. Because the British don’t have the capability, in and of themselves, to launch this kind of warfare. Virtually no one in Western Europe is in position to prepare for such warfare. The U.S. is capable of supplying weapons, of serious weapons, major weapons. But the United States does not want to be responsible for that process; they want to be the backup people.

Therefore, the way the United States would operate, under Obama in particular, would be to get other agencies to launch the war. Because all you have to have is an agency which will start the warfare, launch the kind of warfare that’s involved, and this includes nuclear war, thermonuclear warfare. And thermonuclear warfare exists in other parts of the world, and the supply can be directed to other parts of the world. And therefore, they would go at Russia and China as the major targets for destruction. And they wouldn’t care what happens to the rest of Europe. They would simply say, “we survived”; because anyone who’s going to run this kind of war is going to say, if they have any capability whatsoever, they’re going to calculate, and the calculation would be, can we start a piece of war, which would destroy most of Europe.

That’s exactly what Nuland is doing. Her role is to go out into Europe, and to create a situation inside Europe, which will cause a destruction of Central Europe.

Britain is not capable of doing anything now, except politically, — politically and financially. So therefore, the normal situation, of any kind of quasi-sanity, would come in that direction. It’s to set a trap for the European homeland, with wasting certain parts of North Africa and Central Asia — and China. And the objective will be to destroy China, to destroy Europe and China.

SEE “Stop World War III”

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