Oregon state senator Elizabeth Steiner Hayward calls for government to physically violate children by force with vaccine mandate echoing Nazi crimes against humanity

‘Oregonians are about to find themselves living in a bona fide medical police state if State Sen. Elizabeth Steiner Hayward gets her way. She’s spearheading changes to state law that would eliminate philosophical and religious exemptions for vaccines, thereby forcing all parents to have their children physically violated with extremely toxic substances still used in vaccines: mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and monosodium glutamate — all still used in vaccines as openly admitted by the CDC.

Nazi fascism is deeply rooted in the belief that the state owns your body — a belief now shared by Sen. Steiner Hayward. Under the banner of “science,” Nazi scientists readily endorsed all the following “medical science” policies while claiming they were all necessary for the “greater good of society.”‘

Read more: Oregon state senator Elizabeth Steiner Hayward calls for government to physically violate children by force with vaccine mandate echoing Nazi crimes against humanity

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