Perhaps you didn’t know … Schools across the country are literally building solitary confinement cells for children

‘What is “normal”? Is normalcy a condition of public acceptance to common trends & culture? Per it’s definition, normal is defined as conforming to a standard: usual, typical or expected.

If you accept normalcy by that definition then…

-it is normal for kids in our public school system to be locked in solitary confinement (4×4 padded cell) for misbehavior.

-it is normal for each state across the nation to have tens of thousands of cases of students being physically restrained. In some cases, even shackled using hand and ankle cuffs.

-it is normal for our police state to intervene with troublesome kids with use of physical beatings and pepper spray.’

Read more: Perhaps you didn’t know … Schools across the country are literally building solitary confinement cells for children

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