Potential conscripts evade draft and flee country amid escalation in Eastern Ukraine

‘The most recent military draft in Ukraine has been described as “problematic” by Kiev’s army spokesman. The recruitment effort, coming amid ever more intense fighting in the country’s east, sees a lack of enthusiasm on the part of potential soldiers.

“The fourth wave of mobilization is problematic,” Ukraine army spokesman, Vladimir Talalay acknowledged on Saturday, according to Tass. “The biggest difficulties are seen in Sumy, Kharkov, Cherkassy, Ternopol, Zakarpatye and other regions.”

The comment comes as Ukraine’s Joint Staff reported of the first stage of the draft – sending out conscription notices – being over. The military warn of blacklisting deserters and passing on the information to police.’

Read more: Potential conscripts evade draft and flee country amid escalation in Eastern Ukraine

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