Put the British Empire to Rest, or Face World War

The war provocations surrounding the Ukraine are reaching a new threshold in the immediate days ahead, with Secretary of State John Kerry’s visit to Kiev today, followed by Poroshenko and Kerry both attending the Munich Security Conference starting on Friday. The Atlantic Council/Brookings call for arming the Ukrainian military for confrontation with Russia was intended to shape the environment in Munich and build the fevered pitch for war.

Likewise, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has taken a “take no prisoners” hard line on the Greek demands for a European debt conference on the model of the 1953 London conference, rejecting any such conference and rejecting any idea of a “haircut” for Greece. The European Central Bank has boycotted Greek sovereign debt, creating a similar showdown around today’s meeting of euro finance ministers and the Feb. 12 meeting of the 28 European heads of state. Merkel has openly announced that she has been lining up France’s Hollande and Italy’s Renzi to back up Germany’s confrontational stance.

We have reached a moment where the British system and the BRICS system cannot co-exist

None of these desperate measures will work, but the prospect for chaos and war as the consequence of these insane maneuvers can only be defeated by attacking the root cause with radical solutions. The root of the crisis is the British Empire system of oligarchical finance that has reached a point of irreversible bankruptcy. To put that system—and loyal assets like U.S. President Barack Obama—out of business, the forces must be marshaled to put the entire British system through an orderly bankruptcy. That means a Glass-Steagall full separation of commercial and investment banking activities, as was carried out by FDR in the USA in 1933. That means an orderly cancellation of the unpayable gambling debts that have been imposed on nations like Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Ireland, over the past decades of looting. The concept of a London debt conference of 1953, along with a full bank separation, lays the basis for restoring an American System Hamiltonian credit system in the trans-Atlantic region.

Such action, which is now on the table, would align Europe and the United States with the BRICS nations and the growing circle of allied states, typified by Egypt and Argentina. Nothing short of this top-down restructuring can prevent the slide into economic chaos and/or thermonuclear war.

So long as Obama remains in the presidency, under British control, the momentum for war in the short term is unstoppable. No one in their right mind can any longer claim ignorance of Obama’s crimes, all carried out on orders from the British. This is the empire system that must be brought down in an orderly fashion—before it crashes of its own bankruptcy, bringing everyone else down with it.

So long as the British factor remains in power at the Obama White House, the United States will maintain the drive for war, targeting Russia and China. It is transparently obvious that all of the BRICS countries are under attack because of the threat they pose to the empire system.

In Argentina, the assault against Cristina Fernandez continued unabated, even as she was completing a series of historic economic treaty agreements with China, during her visit this week with Xi Jinping. Something nasty exists in Argentina, which has a distinct British-Israeli odor, and has been entrenched since the period of the junta. This poses a danger to Cristina and Argentina, so long as it remains intact. EIR counterintelligence specialists are preparing a dossier on the filthy networks behind the assault on Argentina for publication soon.

The same attack is underway against Egypt, as President al-Sisi prepares for the visit next week by Russian President Putin. The US State Department last week was caught hosting a delegation of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood officials who have constituted an Egyptian Revolutionary Council to overthrow al-Sisi. The very day that the MBs were at Foggy Bottom, low-intensity terrorist attacks were launched in Egypt.

The BRICS nations have launched a new paradigm of creative, cooperative relations among sovereign nations, in pursuit of the common aims of mankind. These efforts embody the principle of what it means to be a true, creative human being, participating in the betterment of mankind as a whole, today and in the future. They are typified by the Chinese lunar program, the plans for the Kra Canal, the building of the New Suez Canal and the Nicaragua Canal, the ambitious expansion of nuclear power, the Transaqua water management plan for Africa—all elements of the World Landbridge program produced recently by EIR.

Such a view of mankind, and such a set of objectives, fly in the face of the system of empire. We have reached a moment where the British system and the BRICS system cannot co-exist. By removing the British grip on power in the United States, which is largely through Wall Street and Obama, the United States can resume its rightful place among the mature nations of this planet. It is an obligation to Founders like Benjamin Franklin, George Washington and, especially, Alexander Hamilton, that must be fulfilled—now.

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