Ralph Nader: Stephen Harper is selling the politics of fear

‘A former candidate for the U.S. presidency has come down hard on the Canadian government’s new anti-terrorism bill, calling it a crass effort to “sell the politics of fear.”

Ralph Nader says Prime Minister Stephen Harper is exaggerating the threat of Islamic terrorism and his paranoia has now exceeded “Washington’s chief attack dog, former vice-president Dick Cheney” — and he has written a letter to Harper to express his concerns.

“When Prime Minister Harper says jihadi terrorism is one of the most dangerous enemies our world has ever faced, one is entitled to say ‘oh really?’ What about Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin? It’s just a wild exaggeration,” Nader said in an interview with Evan Solomon of CBC News Network’s Power & Politics.’

Read more: Ralph Nader: Stephen Harper is selling the politics of fear

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