Rifkind To Resign from British Parliament’s Intelligence Committee

Her Majesty is using political terrorism against any opposition to her plans for World War III. In true British fashion, after less than a week of a scandal generated by the Empire’s controlled media, a hitherto leading political figure is all but destroyed and forced out of a very important position. This is the case with MP Malcolm Rifkind, a former Foreign Secretary, who has now been forced to resign as chair of the Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament, which is about to publish a report (before Parliament is dissolved on March 30) looking into privacy and security issues arising out of the leaks by the NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. Rifkind, who has been a high- profile fixture in British politics for four decades, also announced that he would not be running for re-election.

Rifkind, along with former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, had been entrapped by undercover journalists from the Daily Telegraph and BBC Channel Four for influence peddling, a charge that could be leveled at half the British Parliament. Both of them have expressed concerns over the possible escalation of the conflict with Russia. The attack on them comes within days statements by former MI6 head Sir John Sawers expressing similar concerns.

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