Same government that says unvaccinated children can spread disease insists genetically altered open-air crops cannot spread genetic pollution

‘The scandalous duplicity of the federal government on important issues like vaccines (unvaccinated children are a threat to the vaccinated, so everyone get vaccinated!) and genetically modified crops (they’re perfectly safe and don’t threaten non-GM crops in any way, so plant away!) reveals just how deeply special interests have penetrated the ranks of our nation’s so-called leadership.

With the Obama Administration making its voice heard on the vaccine issue — Obama, who in 2008 said vaccine science is “inconclusive,” recently told America in response to the alleged measles outbreak that “there is every reason to get vaccinated” — the clear message being sent to the public is that the government makes up the rules as it goes along to suit the agenda of its controllers.’

Read more: Same government that says unvaccinated children can spread disease insists genetically altered open-air crops cannot spread genetic pollution

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