Senate Leadership is resorting to threats on Con Con‏

Dear Supporter,

Don’t let those in Richmond tell you your calls aren’t working.

We’ve heard directly from one of our sources in Richmond, and you are having an effect.

Twice now, the vote in the Senate on an Article V Constitutional Convention has been delayed.

And it is because of you.

Currently, a vote on an Article V Constitutional Convention is scheduled for Wednesday.

But our source in Richmond was told they might not have the votes to get it passed right now.

While this is great news, we cannot let up on the pressure.  In fact, we need to double down and make sure this never gets voted on.

Leadership is scrambling to get the last votes needed to pass this.

In fact, at least one senator has been threatened with a primary challenge if he does not support an Article V Constitutional Convention.

Please contact your state senator and delegate now and tell them to vote no on an Article V Constitutional Convention.

Once you call your senator, please call President Pro Tempore Walter Stoch at (804)698-7512 and Majority Leader Tommy Norment at (804) 698-7503 and demand they stop threatening senators who are voting their conscience.

You and I are close to defeating this for the current session.  But if we are going to win, we must keep fighting.

Please contact your state senator and delegate now and tell them to vote no on an Article V Constitutional Convention.

In Liberty,

Dustin Curtis
Virginia State Coordinator

P.S.  Twice now, the Senate has delayed a vote on an Article V Constitutional Convention.  They have rescheduled the vote for Wednesday.

Leadership is scrambling to get the votes they need and have even resorted to threatening members with a primary challenge if they don’t support an Article V Constitutional Convention.

Please call your state senator and delegate now and demand they oppose an Article V Constitutional Convention.

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