Sheriff of Nottingham Noonan Defends Appointment of ex HSBC Bankster as Advisor

The Irish Government have ruled out any debt summit or deal for Greece. It is perfectly obvious that the Irish Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and Labour parties are the banksters parties. Like the the fabled Sheriff of Nottingham, who prototyped austerity, they steal ordinary people and their children’s quality of life and pass the proceeds on to their bankster masters. Michael Noonan even said he was right to pick ex-HSBC boss, Michael Geoghegan, as a key adviser while severely redacting renowned bankster jailer Prof William K Black’s submission to the Irish Banking Inquiry.
This government are now even having opposition politicians (including Clare Daly and Paul Murphy) , who question the cronyism and austerity robbery which is rampant in our society, arrested on spurious charges sparking talk of an escalation towards ‘political policing’. By contrast the police routinely make appointments with government bankster golfing buddies for convenient times of arrest for defrauding a whole nation. Of course these criminals are never convicted, with evidence ‘ruled out’ by crony (IMHO of course), judiciary.  The whole bankster show trial exercise is done to make a little splash on the media as the government must be seen to be doing something.
However the Irish people have had enough of all the robbery and many communities are giving their local TDs (MPs) their marching orders in local political clinics. (See video and stories Below).

EU ministers to be told Ireland is against a Greek debt write-down

Noonan: I was right to pick ex-HSBC boss as key adviser

Anti Austerity Alliance TD Paul Murphy has accused the gardaí of “political policing” following his release from Garda custody.

Clare Daly takes High Court action over drink driving arrest

Sean Fitzpatrick saga

Paul Murphy Raid: Were the dawn swoops really necessary?

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