The Destruction of 20th Century Science: The Need for a Scientific Renaissance

Broadcast begins at 12 Eastern. What passes for science today is often, at best, conditioning people to act like trained animals, if not computers — mankind’s future will depend upon reviving a true science, centered upon the role of the creative powers of the human mind, per se, as Cusa and Kepler typified to actual origins of modern science.

What is currently being taught in the name of science is a fraud. As Lyndon LaRouche has shown, the beginning of the 20th century saw a politically motivated operation — typified by the role of Bertrand Russell — to destroy what remained of a scientific tradition rooted in an understanding of the unique powers of human creativity as a force separating mankind from the beasts, and replace competent science with radical empiricism and mathematics. What passes for science today is often, at best, conditioning people to act like trained animals, if not computers — mankind’s future will depend upon reviving a true science, centered upon the role of the creative powers of the human mind, per se, as Cusa and Kepler typified to actual origins of modern science.

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