‘Thou Shalt Not Steal’ – Unless You Are Israel’s Chief Rabbi

‘The state has filed an indictment against Rabbi Yona Metzger, former Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi, for bribery, fraud, money laundering and other crimes.

Rabbi Metzger is suspected of accepting NIS 10 million in bribes, of which he personally pocketed NIS 7 million. A state witness aided the investigation carried out against the rabbi and recorded him in conversations. The indictment follows a recommendation by the police and the attorney general.

The rabbi is being indicted for corruption and receiving illicit donations valued at millions of shekels in exchange for services he conducted as part of his role as chief rabbi. Metzger has been informed of the indictment.’

Read more: ‘Thou Shalt Not Steal' – Unless You Are Israel's Chief Rabbi

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