Unlimited War! ISIS Psyop Theater Comes to Full Fruition

The CIA and the U.S. Military Industrial Complex have now invested over 6 months of ISIS branding, promotion, and public relations. It was revealed by early January of 2015 that the U.S. had already dumped over one billion dollars to fight ISIS. All supposedly invested in failed air strikes and un-televised secret battles against ISIS where the U.S. ends up attacking Syrian targets instead.

‘The ISIS psyop has been worked on so hard by the architects of the plan that now we are seeing the final desired political goals of the entire operation – an operation which has become more of a global theater. The ISIS psyop theater is now coming to fruition and the globalists are speaking loud and clear about what they want, which is really an admission to why they concocted the ISIS psyop to begin with.

They want the authorization to use “unlimited” military “force” wherever they want, whenever they want and (of course) on WHO-ever they want to use it on. Isn’t this a tyrannical empire’s dream come true? And with this revelation the romance between ISIS and CIA/US/Israel and the other NATO ISIS partners is now fully exposed to anyone willing to see it for what it is.’

Read more: Unlimited War! ISIS Psyop Theater Comes to Full Fruition

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