US, UK and Kiev in Violation of Minsk Agreement

‘Since the Minsk II Agreement went into effect earlier this month, there have been many claims and counter-claims that both the Kiev government and the separatists in east Ukraine have violated the terms of the agreement. Both sides accuse each other, and the Kiev side accuses Russia of yet another invasion of Ukraine which Russia denies.

As difficult as it has been to prove many of these claims and denials, a potentially serious violation of the agreement may be taking place. Though the US and the UK governments were not actual signers of the Minsk Agreements, both have endorsed the Agreement and have strenuously demanded that the terms be observed in the fullest. Both have de facto become parties to the agreement by their insistence that the terms be upheld.

And both are blatantly breaking the agreements along with the government in Kiev.’

Read more: US, UK and Kiev in Violation of Minsk Agreement

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