Want To Lose 10 lbs. in 2 Weeks and Never Be Hungry?

Are you desperate to lose weight but constantly hungry when dieting?

Does the thought of going to the gym fill you with dread?

A new diet promises to avoid all of this – while allowing you to eat foods traditionally banned on weight loss plans.

Called The High Fat Diet, it claims to facilitate up to 10lb of weight loss in just 14 days.

Developed by nutritionist and personal trainer Zana Morris, the diet is a combination of high-fat nutrition and high-intensity training.

The premise is that rather than fat being demonised, it actually makes you thinner.

In a nutshell, you need to eat fat to get rid of fat. 

Over 12 years, Ms Morris has seen thousands of people lose an average of 6-8 lb (2.7-3.6 kg) and 1-3 inches (2.5-7.5 cm) from around their middle, in as little as two weeks.

‘Some lose as much as 12lb (5.4 kg)’, she says.

And, as the plan is designed to help reset the hormonal balance of the body, she claims it’s also easy to keep the weight off.

In a new book about the plan, Ms Morris says: ‘It literally turns every­thing you thought you knew about weight loss on its head.

‘Forget counting calories, feeling hungry, hours of exercise or months of watching the scales slowly shift downwards, and forget bran or anything else that tastes like cardboard.’

Instead, those on the plan eat plenty of high-fat foods – like nuts, avocado, butter and even cream cheese.

They also do a maximum of 12 minutes of exercise a day – none of which is on a running machine or exercise bike.

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