War Criminal Blair’s links to Rwandan War Criminal President Kagame must remain secret – Foreign Office

‘Tony Blair’s relationship with the Rwandan regime and its president, Paul Kagame, must remain secret because Blair is a “former prime minister,” according to the Times, after the Foreign Office rejected its Freedom of Information request.

The UK government refused to release information about Blair’s involvement with Rwanda and his Africa Governance Initiative charity when probed by Times journalists.

After a five-month delay – much longer than the usual 20 day waiting period – officials refused to disclose any details of the relationship.’

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Kagame Started the Genocide in Rwanda and then Congo

‘We would like to bring the following basic facts about Paul Kagame to the attention of all Americans who are committed to peace and social justice:

In 1990, Gen. Paul Kagame invaded Rwanda heading a detachment of the Ugandan army dominated by Rwandan Tutsis like himself. He destabilized the country and committed numerous mass murders in the north of Rwanda.
In 1994, when the city of Kigali was surrounded by camps filled with desperate refugees fleeing Kagame’s army in the north, President Kagame pushed the country into a state of panic, terror and genocidal violence by ordering the assassination of the Rwandan and Burundian presidents as they returned from peace talks in Arusha, Tanzania, which were meant to end the conflict.’

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