What’s Up With the Year of the Goat?

A famous Malaysian Chinese astrology master who has previously correctly predicted many accurate events has released his predictions for the world in the Year of the Wood Goat.

Master Thean Y Nang, a Buddhist Feng Shui master and Chinese astrologer based in Malaysia, has predicted that the coming year, which starts on 19 February 2015 following the Chinese lunar calendar, will overall be much more favourable than the outgoing Year of the Wood Horse (2014).

Thean previously correctly predicted the 9/11 attacks and the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, and most recently foresaw incredibly bad luck for Malaysia in 2014, long before any incident occurred.

This year, the outlook for wealth is auspicious where financial opportunities are concerned and wealth will come your way, however, one must be wary of financial losses as it will be difficult to manage finances this year, so caution must be exercised.

Wealth is coming, but exercise caution

“Wealth is likely to come your way, but exercise caution and prudence to avoid potential monetary loss that may leave you high and dry,” writes Thean in the latest edition of his annual predictions book, available from January 2015.

The Year of the Wood Goat is associated with the wood element as well as the earth element, but unfortunately, the earth element is unfavourable this year.

This means that there will be a multitude of disasters and mass casualties such as landslides, bridge collapses and problems relating to construction.

Countries along the Pacific Ring of Fire where earthquakes commonly occur will also be affected.

Added to this, the combination of elements means that there will continue to be a volatile political situation which will cause “irregular fluctuations” to the global economy, and that is why financial losses might occur.

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