Will Tony Abbott have to fall on his sword for knighting Prince Philip?

‘When Tony Abbott was elected Australian Prime Minister, he promised “stable” and “grown-up” government – and an end to the political soap opera which saw his Labor predecessors, Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard, repeatedly stab each other in the back.

Barely 18 months on, it is Mr Abbott’s job that is under threat, thanks to a revolt by his own backbenchers, who announced yesterday they will push for a leadership ballot at a meeting in Canberra on Tuesday.

Rumblings of discontent – sparked by broken promises, an unpopular budget and poor polls – have become deafening over the past fortnight, following Mr Abbott’s bizarre decision to knight Prince Philip and a dire election result in Queensland for his conservative Liberal-National Party Coalition.’

Read more: Will Tony Abbott have to fall on his sword for knighting Prince Philip?

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