All Texans to be tracked like dogs under ominous Big Brother vaccine database legislation – Take Action Now To Oppose!

‘The National Vaccine Information Center has issued an alert for Texans to help stop forced vaccination and government coercion in their home state. A total of nine bills are currently pending in the Texas state legislature that threaten medical choice and fundamental human rights.

These laws are the extension of the current wave of vaccine hysteria sweeping America thanks to an aggressive new push toward medical fascism by the mainstream media.

These bills blatantly violate the American Medical Association’s published Code of Ethics which require informed consent for all medical interventions. But medical extremism in America today is not bound by anything resembling medical ethics, and if these Texas lawmakers get their way, every person living in Texas will be tracked like dogs with a government-run vaccine status database that will almost certainly be used to conduct house-to-house SWAT raids and arrests of those who refuse to be vaccinated.’

Read more: All Texans to be tracked like dogs under ominous Big Brother vaccine database legislation – Take Action Now To Oppose!

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