Americans Turning Away From Organized Religion in Record Numbers

What's the future of religious institutions in the U.S.? Answer: None.

‘With fire-breathing religion figuring anew in global conflicts, and political discussions at home often dominated by the nuttery of the Christian right, you might get the sense that somebody’s god is ready to mug you around every street corner. But if you’re the type who doesn’t like to hang your hat on organized religion, here’s a bit of good news: n America, your numbers are growing.

There are more religiously unaffiliated people in the U.S. today than ever before. Starting in the 1980s, a variety of polls using different methodologies have come to the same conclusion: people who do not identify with religious labels are on the rise, perhaps even doubling in that time frame.’

Read more: Americans Turning Away From Organized Religion in Record Numbers

George Carlin on Religion and God

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