Arms for the Nazi Regime in Kiev Still on the Table

Despite whatever US denials there might be, there is a very high expectation in certain circles that the US will soon be supplying weapons to the Kiev regime. US Ambassador to Kiev Geoffrey Pyatt, Victoria Nuland’s partner-in-crime in fomenting the Nazi coup last year, bragged that Congress has already allocated $120 million for building the Ukrainian military. Pyatt said:

“The U.S. Congress has approved the allocation of $120 million this year for training and purchasing equipment. The only question that is still being discussed is whether it should include defensive lethal weapons.”

He also claimed that the United States already has ample evidence of Russia’s participation to the conflict — photos from satellites and other evidence of the presence of Russian troops and military equipment in Donbas, as well as weapons supplies.

An obvious lie: if it were true, they would be broadcasting this evidence to the world.

For former Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili, acting as an advisor to Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko, the matter is already “99 percent settled.” He told a Ukrainian TV network:

“The main thing we are trying to achieve in the United States is that Ukraine receives defensive weapons.”

Saakashvili is clearly depending on the “good will” in the US Congress towards Ukraine to make it happen.

“America is a democratic country, so it was very important to hear publicly voices in the Congress and the Senate, and to see a strong call next week regarding provision of defensive weapons for Ukraine. This issue is in the spotlight of all U.S. media. When President Poroshenko raised this issue in the Congress in his triumphal speech in September last year, for many it was a surprise and a lot of people refused even to listen to it. Now, the decision is practically settled 99%. I don’t know when the last and most significant 1% will come — I hope soon, because Ukraine is running short of time.”

The “denial” comes from an anonymous Obama Administration official who told Tass that the US can’t arm the regime through third countries, in an obvious response to Poroshenko’s announcement last week, from Abu Dhabi, that the regime had agreed to an arms deal with the UAE. Ukraine is a sovereign country that has the right to conclude agreements with other countries, the official said.

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