Arrogant, smug and sneering: Janet Street Porter, who spent years as a senior BBC boss, excoriates the incestuous luvvie clique who run it

‘Proof that the people who run the BBC live in a precious world of their own was supplied this week when Alan Yentob — whose title at the corporation is ‘creative director’ — told Newsnight’s Emily Maitlis that ‘there are quite a lot of programmes which reach out to audiences which are C2s, DEs, which aren’t the metropolitan elite’.

In other words, he seemed to be saying that Jeremy Clarkson may have been sacked by the BBC ‘but common people will still find something to watch’.

How simply outrageous! And how very, very kind of the BBC to make a few programmes ‘reaching out’ to the non-metropolitan elite (as if they live on Mars) — those downmarket low-earners who live in places outside London and the South-East.’

Read more: Arrogant, smug and sneering: Janet Street Porter, who spent years as a senior BBC boss, excoriates the incestuous luvvie clique who run it

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