Bill Murphy Not Giving Up on Gold, Still Thinks the Biggest Move in Market History is Coming!

With gold & silver enduring another massive cartel raid this week, retesting lows near $1140 and $15, GATA’s Bill Murphy joined the show discussing:

  • Could we see a washout bottom on Sunday’s Globex with gold & silver plunging towards $1,000 & $12? 
  • Venezuela in talks to liquidate over 100 tonnes of official gold reserves to Wall Street banks- timing suspiciously correlated to latest PM take-down
  • Is GATA or Bill Murphy giving up on gold? 
  • Why Murphy believes The biggest move in market history is coming..and why It will probably explode out of nowhere! 
  • Murphy explains why: “This thing IS going to blow up, and it will be spectacular!

Click here for the SD Weekly Metals & Markets With The Doc, Eric Dubin, & GATA’s Bill Murphy:

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