Bloomberg: Putin Is to Blame for Ukraine, But West Owes Ukraine Bailout

‘The anti-Russian ‘news’ organization Bloomberg, owned by the former Mayor of Wall Street, Michael Bloomberg, says in a March 3rd editorial about Ukraine, that “Only swift and radical debt relief can help the country out of its economic quagmire,” and that since such debt relief can’t likely be negotiated, “a complete write-off is what creditors will have to consider as their best alternative to a negotiated agreement.”

However, “The first obstacle is Russia,” says Bloomberg, because “Putin expects to be paid in full” (as if his country shouldn’t be “paid in full”).

They recommend “a several-year moratorium on debt payments,” in order to “give Ukraine’s leaders the time and resources they need to right the economy.”’

Read more: Bloomberg: Putin Is to Blame for Ukraine, But West Owes Ukraine Bailout

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