Borrowing from Peter to Slay Paul

He that dies pays all debtsThe Tempest, III, ii

The contrast could not be more clear between the way the governments of the west are treating Ukraine, versus how they are treating Greece. The policy, at least, is duplicitous, and has grave implications within the current potential nuclear showdown.

Let’s briefly look at Ukraine.


The U.S. and institutions of the west such as NATO have been supporting the Nazi-backed coup government in Kiev, openly admitting their financial, military, and diplomatic support. The U.S. Senate just concluded a competition over who could proclaim their support for the Ukrainian Nazis more fervently, and U.S. Defense Secretary Carter just announced $75,000,000 towards militarily aiding and abetting the Nazi Battalions. In fact, a top adviser to Prime Minister Poroshenko has just stated that Ukraine needs less of their traditional draftees, and more Nazi volunteers. This, as they are actively sabotaging the implementation of the Minsk accords.

The West makes no secret of the fact that their support of the Ukrainian military is directly aimed at Russia, and some have made the point that the U.S. sanctions against Russia will do nothing but unify the country in opposition, and give voice to the more radical elements of policy.

If that weren’t enough, the IMF has just announced that they will be bailing out the Nazi coup government of Ukraine, with $17,500,000,000.

Compare this to the treatment of Greece.


As we reported earlier, Greece actually owes nothing to international creditors, as widely claimed in the media:

What Americans need to know about Greece and “its debt,” is that the new Greek government is asking the European Union to shut down a huge Wall Street-London bank swindle and make economic growth possible again in Europe.

If that doesn’t happen, the worsening bankruptcy of the whole trans-Atlantic banking system will continue to generate desperate confrontations with major powers Russia and China, with the threat of world war.

Not only do governments of the West, notably the (catas)-Troika, expect Greece to pay a fraudulent debt, they refuse to offer Greece any help, while they bail out Ukraine, expecting much of Greece’s near term debt payments to help pay for the Ukraine Bailout.

The origin of the apparent paradox between the west’s handling of Ukraine, vs. their treatment of Greece lies in neither Greece or Ukraine, but has more to do with the bankruptcy of the London-Wall Street transatlantic system as a whole. As LaRouche reiterated in his March 6th Friday webcast message:

The question being asked by Russia and many other nations today, is whether the Europeans and the United States under Obama can survive their own foolishness, or whether their actions will lead to world war, and a possibility of general extermination. Queen Elizabeth and her circles may appreciate the idea of general war, but I don’t.

“Greece, fortunately, does have a place. They can join the other club. They can become a part of the BRICS process. A growing part of the world is breaking from the Anglo-American interests, and this is now including a majority of nations of South and Central America and the Caribbean. Of course, this also includes many nations of Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, Africa…”

“What we are seeing in the confrontation with Greece, as well as the confrontation with Russia, is a last, desperate effort to bluff. The danger is, that at the end of this bluff, is nuclear war. The challenge for most Americans, is that they cannot conceive of the insanity that is driving this policy of bluff and provocation. They cannot conceive, for the most part, that anyone is willing to risk the suicidal extermination of mankind. This is insanity beyond comprehension, yet this is what we are dealing with in the case of Obama, the British, and other desperate forces.”

The rest of Mr. LaRouche’s statement can be found here, Call the EU Bluff and Join the BRICS dynamic.

We are asking that all thinking citizens not only sign the petition for the U.S. to join the BRICS, but that you make a donation to fund our efforts.



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