Cameron Won’t Do TV Debates Because Voters Are Not His Target Audience

‘In PR terms PMQs is a win for DC. It effectively targets this niche audience who absolutely love it – and therefore him – if only for those few moments before they return to plotting a way to oust him. And there’s virtually no PR leakage either because, let’s face it, only the media and political nerds like me actually watch PMQs live. Yes, the evening news programmes devote about 10 seconds to it every week to keep the other 99.95% of the population up to speed. And it does serve a vital social purpose, giving a natural break in which voters can ask their life-partners to pass the tomato sauce.

But suddenly, out of a clear, Tory-blue sky, with no warning at all, no time to plan a PR strategy, there’s a General Election! How can that be? Where did that come from? And how can Downing Street possibly have known that TV debates would be on the cards?! *sigh* Hence the traditional political scrabbling to create a ‘true’ history of events for posterity, one totally unrelated to those little things called facts. DC and Downing Street will ensure that history records the media as shambolic and disorganised rather than accommodating and fair.’

Read more: Cameron Won't Do TV Debates Because Voters Are Not His Target Audience

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