Campaign for Liberty Strongly Opposes Internet Sales Tax Bill

SPRINGFIELD, Virginia – Campaign for Liberty came out strongly today against the reintroduction of the grossly misnamed “Marketplace Fairness Act,” (S.698) which was reintroduced yesterday afternoon by Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY).

“Proponents of the so-called ‘Marketplace Fairness Act’ falsely claim this legislation is all about ‘fairness.’ In reality, this legislation is not about fairness or protecting small businesses. It is ultimately nothing more than a corporate welfare program for big box stores, who are trying to use the strong arm of government to put their smaller competitors out of business,” said Campaign for Liberty President John Tate.

“It is about governors and state legislatures refusing to prioritize and instead looking to the federal government to take even more money from their states’ hardworking citizens, who are already overtaxed at every level.

“In addition, forcing our nation’s small businesses to collect sales taxes for the nearly 10,000 different tax jurisdictions nationwide will only help their larger competitors while hurting those small businesses, as well as consumers, jobs, and up-and-coming entrepreneurs. Legislators should instead focus on pro-growth initiatives that will reduce the cost of doing business and ease the heavy hand of government that burdens America’s job creators.

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