Chemtrail Crimes: Human Hybridization and Aerial Vaccinations

‘Well, this is about as dark as it gets but it needs to be said. As we’ve known all along, chemtrails are a multi-faceted program. It’s the ultimate delivery system. By poisoning our air it affects every living thing, much like chemically or biologically altering a pond in order to affect all the fish. With this massive program in place, even though they won’t even admit its obvious existence, anything can be loaded onto these air tankers at any time and sprayed onto unsuspecting humanity.

While the known metallic elements of nano sized aluminum and barium and a host of other toxic ingredients are accepted generally to be used for at least for massive weather modification programs, there are other even more nefarious elements that we’ve been ingesting over the years.’

Read more: Chemtrail Crimes: Human Hybridization and Aerial Vaccinations

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