China Warns of Threat to Russia by Nemtsov Assassination

The official Chinese paper Global Times published an editorial today warning of the dire consequences for Russia and the world if Russia is destabilized and divided. The editorial charges the West directly, either with responsibility for the assassination or at least using it to continue their effort to destroy Russia.

Noting that Putin immediately denounced the killing, the editorial reports:

“Some mainstream Western media particularly stressed that Nemtsov was a fierce critic of Putin, implying that Putin was behind this murder. This incident has dealt a heavy blow to Russia’s national unity and added pressure to the Russian government in dealing with thorny issues.”

They emphasize that assassinating an opposition figure “is especially senseless because the outrage triggered by such an act can only enhance cohesion of the opposition, rather than weakening it.” This is particularly the case since Nemtsov “had only limited political achievements,” and is “most known for his pro-Western stance.”

They add:

“The murder of Nemtsov runs counter to common political logic and people feel odd about it.”

The editorial warns that:

“The outside world should not speculate; rather they should respect Russia’s investigations. The assassination is not only a criminal case but also a calamity for Russian culture. At this time, perhaps some forces will make use of it out of political purposes.”

They concludes that Russia is at a difficult juncture, and that:

“The U.S.-led West wants to add burdens to it, making the Putin government and Russian society face severe tests.”

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