CNN now pushing the same conspiracy theory it had derided as pure lunacy: MH370 was hijacked by the Russians

‘Remember Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, the Boeing 777 that took off in March and was never seen again?

Not a scrap of metal from the aircraft has been found, nor a single body among the 239 passengers and crew on board the plane. Nothing. And because of that, lots of conspiracy theories began to circulate, conspiracies that only grew as the massive search for the aircraft continued for months.

It’s a been almost a year now, and still nothing’s been found.

That fact, in large part, is what led the Malaysian government in January to officially declare that the jet did indeed crash, that was it was an “accident,” and that all passengers are crew are “dead.”‘

Read more: CNN now pushing the same conspiracy theory it had derided as pure lunacy: MH370 was hijacked by the Russians

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