Conformity Starts Earlier than You Might Expect

‘The human mind easily adapts and conforms to ideas, behaviors and the environment around it, often as a means of fitting in and surviving. Most people are content to follow along with what others are doing, even if it transforms them to the point that they do not recognize themselves. Over time, one’s convictions morph to what is widely acceptable in society, destructive acts are deemed constructive and necessary, succumbing to authority is considered necessary, and blurring the lines of morality becomes the norm.

Once the mind is programmed, it often runs on autopilot. It is up to the individual to recognize that their behavior is self-destructive, perhaps not physically but psychologically, and that it may be detrimental to others, as well as society or the Earth as a whole.

The process of recognition, followed by non-conformity, would usually occur once a person entered adulthood. Sadly, in today’s world, adults often cling to childish behaviors and eccentricities, thus delaying the process of self-evaluation and personal evolution further and further into their lives.’

Read more: Conformity Starts Earlier than You Might Expect

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